Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Nicole likes to play with her camera; I like to play with my lightsaber...


Anonymous said...

Very interesting visual effect.
Like modern art. Maybe you should enter it into one of those art competitions

Anonymous said...

...and a great light saber it is!!

Nicole said...

intensely dorky though you are, i have to admit that i'm just a touch proud of that photo. it's pretty dang cool.

Natalie said...

seriously awesome photo - and you can wield that thing any time you want - I'm sure Jayden will need a lesson on proper technique in August.

Anonymous said...

you know, the other day i saw a paid commercial for 'star wars' stuff. one of the things on said commercial was a light saber. i looked and _sounded_ real. i was going to buy a couple so we could practice our saber fights, but they were $139 each. little pricey...