Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This officially sucks.

No baby this time around, folks. This really sucks. Makes it kinda hard to want to pull the all-nighters I have coming in the next few days to finish projects before the semester is over. In fact, it makes it kinda hard to want to do much of anything. Perfect timing, eh? More shots for Nicole, more ovaries the size of grapefruits for Nicole. Am I allowed to be tired of building character? I'm a character, aren't I?

You can expect a return to regularly scheduled programming of goofiness when I'm done being bummed.



Nicole said...

yes, more needle time for me. hey, maybe soon i'll be tougher than you, my love. :)

down in the valley said...

Between sliced fingers and needles, Nicole is getting pretty tough!! We'll keep praying for y'all. Good luck with 'the projects.'

Anonymous said...

You are tough...just like Nicole...

Love you,

Joe said...

sorry about the news--i guess you have a little time to rehab the arms and ovaries. although nicole and (physical) toughness are difficult to reconcile.

Natalie said...

wish i was there to offer my second-wife support and so that my kids could serve as distractions. love you guys so much *HUGS*

Christy said...

i'm so sorry alex! wish there was something i could do to help.

and yes, mo might soon be tougher than you.

Leslie said...

so sad for you guys this time around. i'm sure you're enough of a character already, you certainly don't need any more. hang in there, we're all praying for you both.

Anonymous said...

I have never felt so completely useless as a father, so wishing that I could give you guys a hug, make the hurt go away and somehow make things better.
Please know that your pain is shared and that our prayers are filled with little other than that success will eventually be achieved.

Angie Fellows said...

I'm so sorry. You guys sure are both tough cookies. Nicole is sure a trooper with all those shots. We'll be praying for ya.

Anonymous said...

obviously I don't know all the details of your efforts to get pregnant. However, I do know the pain, disappointment, stress, emotional rollercoaster ride, etc. of "I'm still not pregnant." I found this book by accident and it has been a lifesaver: Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. If your fertility specialist is smart, he/she should already have you charting Nicole's cycles. Timing is everything, even with in vitro. If you're library doesn't have the book, amazon sells if for $15. It will be the best $15 you spend in trying to get pregnant.