Monday, March 10, 2008

Priceless Moments In Algorithm Analysis...

I'm currently taking CS 312: Algorithms Analysis. This is quite a class, as we deal with how efficiently computers solve problems, and how well that efficiency holds up as the size of the problem increases. It's largely theoretical, although the projects give us a chance to flex our newly-found algorithmic muscles. Despite the fact that we deal most of the time in abstract, gnarly math that most mere mortals would never need to know exist, I like the class.

This morning, we were talking about using a system called Dynamic Programming to determine to optimal sequence in which to perform a chain of matrix multiplications. Why? you ask? Let's just say that the computer-generated graphics that make Yoda a star depend on it critically.

Anyways, we were about 3/4 of the way through the algorithm, and were talking about how many computations it would take to determine all cells in a diagonal of our resulting optimal solution. And, without further ado, I give you our Priceless Moment In Algorithms Analysis:

Dr. R*: "So we can see where we're getting our optimal solutions from, now we need a simple explanation."

Me (dryly): "At this point in this class, we've gone far beyond the realm of simple explanations."

Dr. R* and everyone else: lots of laughter

Dr. R*: "How about layers of simple explanations"

Me: "We'll buy that."

In Summary: I love what I do.


Nicole said...

al--i'm glad you and your people think you're pretty funny.

other readers--now you understand why i don't attend c.s. functions.

Joe said...

layers of simple explanations that are complex to anyone not currently taking cs312, i'm sure.

Alex said...

we very much like layers of abstraction.

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog just to get a good laugh. It matters not that we are laughing at the same things.

Anonymous said...

...I don't have a clue what you are talking about!!

Alex said...

That's ok Hen, we're a pretty unique bunch.