Sunday, July 29, 2007

My own little artistic touch...

Yes, Alex can take a picture also. Here are a few of my favorites from our little anniversary trip.


Nicole said...

you know how you feel when i spout forth some sort of pseudo computer nerd wisdom? all warm and fuzzy and just so dang proud? that is how i am feeling right now.

well done, my young apprentice.

(i bet you're feeling the fuzzies all over again because of that silly allusion. i just couldn't resist.)

Natalie said...

very good, Alex - look how artsy you are.

Anonymous said...

Nice job. I particularly like the temple photos.

Unknown said...

I love the temple photos. The clouds are beautiful, too. Who knew you had such an eye. Great pictures

Christy said...

i had no idea you were so talented! mo's genuis must be rubbing off on you.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the temple pictures....thanks for sharing your
hidden talent with us.