Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Just what religion do you belong to, anyway?

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I'm well aware that my own religious beliefs are quite different than those of some other faiths. I served my mission in Toronto, Canada which according to the UN is the most multi-cultural city in the world. As such, it's only natural that it's quite a diverse place when it comes to religion as well. Over the course of my mission, I spoke to people from over 145 countries and MANY more religions. I attended services for several different churches (mostly Christian, although I did go to a Sikh Gurudwara once). I discovered that there were many (almost all Christian) different faiths that held at least a handful of beliefs similar to ours. However, since everyone is unique, everyone has a different "take" on the principles of his or her religion.

The other day at work, my boss mentioned the "Belief-O-Matic" quiz at Beliefnet.com as being very interesting. So I went to take a look and was quite amused with what I found. The quiz asks some questions about your beliefs, as well as the priority you place on each religious topic, then displays the religions you may "match" based on your answers. I posted my results here. So there you have it. Check it out, and see what other religions you agree or disagree with.

NOTE: This is NOT meant to be any kind of public statement of the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or any other religion.


Anonymous said...

well it was comforting to find out that my beliefs result in a number one match with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, and as expected, very close to other fundamental or conservative Christian faiths (100% and 94% respectively).

Nicole said...

it is quite an interesting little quiz. it's surprising, given the constant religion-inspired hatred and fighting that goes on, how much we all have in common.

Natalie said...

dude, I want to do it, too. I echo Nicole's comments - can't we all just get along?

Christy said...

you know alex, i actually tried to take the quiz but my internet kept losing it's connection, so i finally gave up.

BUT i would like to note that i did see another quiz you could take that will tell you if you're going to heaven or hell. ha ha.

Anonymous said...

well, no surprise that scientology was in my bottom four, since i've never experimented with any mind-altering drugs...

interesting, though, that i don't recall 'jesus christ' as being mentioned as a separating factor in the quiz.