Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

Disclaimer: I'm in no condition to go anywhere to take pictures of fireworks, so I'm using some from the 4th of July last summer.


Natalie said...

so awesome alex - even though you had your tripod, it should also be mentioned that you have a super steady hand for "day time of the night" photos, as i recall.
hope you feel better soon. jayden is eager to discuss THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.

Nicole said...

awesome shots, al. i'm glad you finally posted them. the first finale one is definitely my favorite. i'm just so dang proud.

dad k. said...

Very great photos, and I have been admiring them for quite a while now. I suppose soon I will have to look at the year on this post and not just the month and day.

irfanKZ said...

WOW... NICE ALEX nice....

Unknown said...

great photos!:)

Anonymous said...

These are so wonderful Lex.