Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Almost there...

I am almost finished. I've taken both CS finals (312 and 340), my guitar final, and my Old Testament final. Thanks to a merciful professor I have a summer to complete the projects that I got _very_ far behind on when I got sick.

But this darn Physical Science final won't go away by itself. It's funny. A class that under normal circumstances I would ace easily (I got 98 on the first midterm, before I got sick), consequently turned into the class that I quit going to in order to not get any farther behind in my (more important) CS classes (since you can use your final exam score as your grade in the class).

I've read half a semester worth of lecture slides tonight. I'll probably get through most of the second half before I go to bed. Tomorrow I'll be reading the book. And when I say, "reading the book", I mean the whole book. 36 chapters. And then taking the final. What should have been one of the easiest A's of my life has turned into, "This will take a miracle, and I'll take whatever I can get."

Ah the wonderful life of a student. bleh.


down in the valley said...

Bleh, eh. Is that straight from Calvin? But it fits. Good luck with it all!!

Anonymous said...

I suppose if we were to have seen your face as you posted this blog, it would have looked like the picture in the blog just prior to this one!!

Nicole said...

we made it! yay!

Nicole said...

we made it! yay!